The Mercurio Lab and the Shaw Lab get together for a holiday lunch outing!


celebrating mandy’s recent union with her husband al. congrats to the newly weds, we are so happy for you!!


The 2024 annual mercurio lab photo!


On June 2nd, the lab celebrates with Dr. Mukhopadhyay at the UMass Chan commencement ceremony!


The mercurio lab celebrates with our newest phd, dimpi mukhopadhyay!!


The annual 2023 Mercurio lab photo!


The mercurio Lab celebrates with choua as she moves on to NY!


Thanks Shaw lab for organizing this outing to the WooSox game!


On June 5th The lab celebrated with Dr. Walker at commencement!


After 2 years of online meetings the mercurio lab was able to get together to discuss current projects.


The MERCURIO LAB Celebrates with our newest PhD,
Melanie Walker!!


The Mercurio Lab celebrates Peter as he embarks on his next adventures in graduate school at memorial sloan kettering!

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The Annual 2021 Mercurio Laboratory PHOto!

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Mercurio lab members are all smiles at our weekly ‘zoom’ journal clubs DURING COVID-19.

Staying safe due to the COVID-19 outbreak but continuing to discuss science in our new Mercurio Laboratory 'Zoom' Laboratory Format!


Celebrating mengdie’s one-year lab-a-versary with wine and truffle frites at via in worcester

A Mercurio Lab Lunch to celebrate John as he departs for UMass Amherst for graduate school!

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our undergraduate summer research assistant, Harshil kaul, is leaving for Northeastern. thanks for the great work this summer!

Ameer and art celebrating following a successful ph.d. thesis defense!


The 2019 annual mercurio lab photo