The Mercurio Lab welcomes Shivam Goel back to the lab for his second year as our summer intern!
Ayush Kumar receives Fellowship!!
MD/PhD candidate Ayush Kumar has received the Kirschstein National Research Service F30 Award from the National Cancer Institute.
Congrats Ayush!!!
The Mercurio Lab Published Two Studies in Science Translation Medicine Last Week
Our assistant professor Hira Goel also published in collaboration with aTyr Pharma “Inhibition of VEGF binding to neuropilin-2 enhances chemosensitivity and inhibits metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer”. Congrats Hira!!
Our post-doc Mandy Wang led the paper “Therapeutic blocking of VEGF binding to neuropilin-2 diminishes PD-L1 expression to activate antitumor immunity in prostate cancer”. Her work was featured on the cover of this issue! Congrats Mandy!!
Welcome Jessica!!
Jessica has chosen the Mercurio Lab for her final rotation.
Jessica is a first-year graduate student in the Basic & Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. Program at UMass Chan Medical School.
We are happy to be a part of your journey! Welcome!
Last week Mandy presented her poster at the 2022 Cell Bio Conference in Washington DC!
The 2022 Cell Bio Conference in Washington DC hosted by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) featured advances in multiple areas of cell biology.
Our Post-doc Mandy had to opportunity to present her poster on “PD-L1 promotes rear retraction during persistent cell migration by altering intergrin beta-4 dynamics.”